On December 3-7, 2020, over 3,000 people gathered around the UAV industry – the community of entrepreneurs, inventors and professionals – had the opportunity to exchange information and enter into a dialogue leading to consent and acceptance for global innovations in the unmanned systems industry.
This year’s edition of the largest drone event in Europe – Amsterdam Drone Week 2020 – was organized remotely, in the online formula, like many other mass events this year, which was caused by the Covid-19 pandemic that has been going on for many months.
Thus, everyone interested in participating in a selected conference, discussion panel or listening to a presentation could do it from their own home, following the program conducted simultaneously on 3 virtual stages and in the networking room. The leading topics this year were new legal regulations, coming into force in January 2021, U-Space and BSP traffic management systems, and Urban Air Mobility. There have also been many references to the use of the BSP industry’s potential as a support for health services in the fight against COVID-19.
Adam Rorbek represented Spartaqs and told interested parties about the pilot carried out in April 2020. and the first implementation of a medical transport service using UAV in Poland. We also presented our comprehensive air transport system based on the UAV of our production, automatic charging stations, platforms for sending and receiving shipments (drones) and Ultra Light airplanes. Everything is handled from one place – the Flight Control Center with the use of proprietary DRONET software, integrating the individual elements of the system for cost-effective national express transport.
We would like to thank the organizers from CEDD and the participants from Poland for the inspiring time.
On the example of such events, we can see how innovative solutions in the segment of new technologies are available in our country.
We invite you to read the following slides from the presentation presented during Amsterdam Drone Week (English) 2020.