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Spartaqs dronoids vs COVID-19 on Rzeczpospolita Cyfrowa website

Apr 27, 2020 | Media about us

26 april 2020r an article was published on cyfrowa.rp.pl website, written by Michal Duszczyk called „Made in Poland, flying thermometer will help in fight with coronavirus.”

The article talks about a revolution in the airspace in Poland thanks to dronoids, whose help can be invaluable in the fight against an invisible enemy. The editor describes BSP (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), which “will transport samples on COVID-19, disinfect bus stops, or … measure the temperature of pedestrians”, all thanks to the use of advanced technologies in Spartaqs drone constructions.

“Janusz Janiszewski, president of the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PANSA), argues that in the current situation transport by drones is a gigantic opportunity to support infrastructure and services in the fight against coronavirus, and at the same time the possibility of developing a new type of services. – A real revolution awaits us in the coming months and even weeks. Drones have become an opportunity to improve the efficiency of many processes implemented as part of the fight against pandemic – adds Dariusz Werschner, president of the Polish Chamber of Unmanned Systems.

You can read more about the use of Spartaqs dronoids, among others in the cooperation of the city of Sosnowiec and the Civil Aviation Authority on the site cyfrowa.rp.pl


Spartaqs Sp. z o.o.
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40-019 Katowice


+48 533- 232-575