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Report “Drony na Wschód” on TVP Info

Apr 25, 2022 | Media about us

On April 24, on the Ukrainian Easter Sunday, the reportage “Drony na Wschod” was broadcasted from the series of reports entitled Głębia Ostrości TVP Info.


W reportażu grupa Renderboys przedstawia sytuację Ukrainy z perspektywy Polaków i Ukraińców – będących w środku konfliktu oraz mieszkających na stałe w Polsce.

In the report, the Renderboys group presents the situation of Ukraine from the perspective of Poles and Ukrainians – who are in the middle of the conflict and who live permanently in Poland. It presents current events from the perspective of Jurek, a long-term employee of Spartaqs of Ukrainian origin, who has been living in Poland for many years, and whose sons are currently in Zaporizhia.

OHe is also a part of the#DronesForUkraine # DronyNaWschód campaign, and each day, together with other employees of theSpartaqs Service Point prepares new batches of drones to the most needy areas of Ukraine.

The reportage “Drones to the East” shows the human side of this war.


You can watch the report HERE


Maybe tomorrow your drone will save someone’s life?


If you want to know more about the action, write to us at: dronesforukraine@spartaqs.com or call us on: +48 531 144 443


All information about the campaign is also available on our website in the DRONES FOR THE EAST tab –https://spartaqs.com/drony-na-wschod/


Spartaqs Sp. z o.o.
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40-019 Katowice


+48 533- 232-575