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Radio Eska Śląsk website about Spartaqs dronoids to fight SARS-CoV-2

Apr 17, 2020 | Media about us

On April 16, 2020, an article by Dariusz Brombosz was published on the  website slask.eska.pl “Dronoids versus COVID-19. So how can machines designed and constructed in Silesia help in the fight against a pandemic? “

This article describes how Spartaqs products can help fight the coronavirus pandemic. In the interview, Sławomir Huczała, the main constructor and co-owner of Spartaqs, presents the structures designed and built in the company and describes the principles of their operation. I am talking about dronoids:

– Hermes V8M – medical transport dronoid,

– Hermes V8M Esculape – thermal imaging dronoid with a pyrometer,

– Vector V4 and V8 – dronoids with the ability to communicate via a megaphone,

– Heracles V8M – dronoid for antiseptic spraying, equipped with a UV emitter.

The use of dronoids allows to significantly reduce the number of people exposed to contact with the virus while performing their duties in areas of high epidemiological risk, and the possibility of using automated platforms by health care and security services results in more effective and faster operation wherever time is of importance.

The article is available on the website slask.eska.pl

Zapraszamy również do zobaczenia filmów przedstawiających możliwości naszych dronoidów.



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