+48 533 232 575 biuro@spartaqs.com

The first sets of equipment obtained from the # DronyNaWschód campaign have been delivered to the Ukrainian side!

Mar 10, 2022 | News

On March 9, 2022 at 4:00 p.m., the first batch of 26 fully serviced, tested and specially prepared drones was handed over to representatives of the Ukrainian side along with the ukrainian manuals.

The @Spartaqs Group Service Point receives devices from donors of all over Poland, Czechia, Netherlands and the USA every day The team of Spartaqs has their hands full of work, and the next batch of kits to be handed over to Ukraine will soon be ready! It’s all thanks to Your commitment.

Thank you for all sharing the action in the social media and for all your help Together, we can reach a larger group of recipients, which will have a real impact on the number of drones that will go to Ukraine.

# DronyNaWschód #SpartaqsGroup #Spartaqs #Dron #Drony #DronesForUkraine # SOLIDARNIzUKRAINĄ


Spartaqs Sp. z o.o.
Zygmunta Krasińskiego 29/9
40-019 Katowice


+48 533- 232-575