+48 533 232 575 biuro@spartaqs.com

How to properly use drones in Ukraine

Apr 1, 2022 | News

The effectiveness of the drones that we send to Ukraine largely depends on their skilful use.

That is why the training of Ukrainian operators takes place at Spartaqs.

They learn not only the art of piloting, but most of all the specificity of using drones in situations of danger and conflict.

They train in the field of drone control in flight from the first person view (FPV) and learn about the possibilities of long-distance piloting with our drones in direct (manual) mode from the command station.


The war will not turn a blind eye to the mistakes of the pilots, and any mistake, even the imperceptible one nowadays in the life in Ukraine, may result in the death of innocent victims.

“Safety without compromise” – the motto that has guided us for years, today is specially emphatic.


Trained operators left with sets of drones specially prepared for them.

This is another batch of kits delivered to the Ukrainian side as a part of the # DronyNaWschód campaign already.


#DronyNaWschód #DronesForEast #DronesForUkraine


Spartaqs Sp. z o.o.
Zygmunta Krasińskiego 29/9
40-019 Katowice


+48 533- 232-575